Five "S" / Housekeeping
- Sort (organize workspace)
- Simplify (easy reach of often used materials & tools)
- Sweep (clean workspace)
- Standardize (improve the Sort, Simplify & Sweep process)
- Sustain (maintain the Sort, Simplify, Sweep and Standardize into daily habit)
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
- Maintaining and improving equipment reliability - operators and maintenance personnel
- Maintaining equipment for maximum life utilization
- Maximizing equipment effectiveness through employee involvement
Production Setup Reduction
- Essential: Reacting to smaller lot sizes
- Reacting to customer demand and changing market conditions
- Reducing changeover time for all production machines
Effective Meetings
- Starting and ending on time
- Keeping meetings short
- Distributing agenda before meeting
- Prioritizing agenda items
- Not letting difficult tasks stop meeting progress
Production Planning
- Understanding your customers' needs and requirements for the near future
- Seeking best utilization of equipment, materials and personnel
- Reacting sensibly to those needs to systematically plan labor and materials purchases
Production Reporting
- Reporting performance daily to the production, inventory, and sales plans
- Timely reporting enables sensible, timely responses to changing market conditions
Time Management
- Controlling procrastination
- Controlling events and taking action - and feeling good about it
- Effective planning to achieve goals on time, every time
Project Management
- Understanding how to set realistic goals and priorities
- Understanding how to separate value-added and non-value-added tasks and acting only on the value-added tasks
- Organizing work for team building
- Designing work breakdown structures
- Tying to key measurable results they are improving
- Effectively communicating results to others
- Researching audience needs & perspectives
- Selecting, developing, and using the right visual aids